Stable identifiers
Herbarium # B 10 0032616
Collection # B-Phanerogamae
Stored under taxonname Quercus skinneri Benth.   tropicos
Family Fagaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned A.K.Monro (BM) 2001-10
Ident. history A.K.Monro (BM) 2001-10: Quercus skinneri
Collector wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Davidse,G. et al. 37414 [GD-37414] (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date 1998-02-06
El Salvador / Ahuachapán — 13.87472° / -89.79861°
Label Depto. Ahuachapán, Laguna de Las Ninfas, Cordillera Grande de Apaneca, Nort-West of Juayua ; Alt. 1600 m
Habitat Marsh filled volcanic crater surrounded by broadleaf forest. Marsh dominated by Scirpus sp., Phargmites australis, Eleocharis sp., Cyperus sp. and Nymphaea sp.
Habitus Tree, to 15 m, growing in forest at marsh edge. Collected in alcohol.
Annotations Herbaria: B BM ITIC LAGU MO