Stable identifiers
Herbarium # B 10 0293762
Collection # B-Phanerogamae
Stored under taxonname Lobelia sessilifolia Lamb.   tropicos
Family Campanulaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned T. G. Lammers (OSH) 2009-03
Ident. history orig.: Lobelia sessilifolia; F. E. Wimmers 1938-46: !; T. G. Lammers (OSH) 2009-03: !
Collector wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Komarov,V. [Комаров,В.] s.n. (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date 1909-07-06
Location Russian Federation
Label [...], Peninsula Kamczatka (Kamtschatka)
Annotations [...]; Exped. Explor. Th. P. Riabouchinsky., 1908-1909; acc. 1. III. 1913; Für "Das Pflanzenreich" bearbeitet von F. E. Wimmer, Wien (a. 1938-46); Revision of Lobelia L. sect. Speirema (Hook. f.) Lammers