Stable identifiers
Herbarium # B 10 0033915
Collection # B-Phanerogamae
Stored under taxonname Bocconia arborea S. Watson   tropicos
Family Papaveraceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned M.L.Reyna de Aguilar & W.Berendsohn (LAGU) 1987-02-19
Ident. history M.L.Reyna de Aguilar & W.Berendsohn (LAGU) 1987-02-19: Bocconia arborea
Collector wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF ORCID Berendsohn,W. & Cruz,R. 548 [WB-00548] (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date 1987-02-17
El Salvador / La Libertad — 13.66667° / -89.25°
Label Depto. La Libertad, Municipio Antiguo Cuscatlán, Laderas de La Laguna, Area HH, árbol # 340001 ; Alt. 830 m
Habitat Collected in secondary vegetation, at a very dry (!) place.
Habitus Shrub about 4 m high, with sparse orange sap. Young branches tomentose. Leaves pinnate-lobate, cuneate at the base, up to 40 cm long.
Annotations Nombre comíun local: copapayo
Herbaria: B LAGU MO